Initiation Consult
Are you just starting your business or are you looking to improve your processes within your current business. We have years of experience in portfolio management, program management, project management, building and managing business processes that yield improved results to your current process. Connect with our certified process improvement engineers to achieve your goals efficiently. It only takes 30 minutes and $50 to complete your initial consultation.
SOL Mentoring Session
Our mentoring session is all about improving your current photography style, editing, and confidence. We will cover subjects such as using available light, when to add your own light, , how to use any location for great portraits, client meet and greet, how we prepare for our session, post-processing, and more! We can tailor this session to your particular needs and goals for your individual artistic style. We will provide you with up to 30 days of ongoing mentoring as needed via calls/texts/video chat. You will receive our undivided attention all day ( except for lunch time:)) You will receive a wealth of knowledge that will propel your photography forward. We offer this hands on service at only $1000.00
SOL Complete Business
Our SOL Complete Business is just that! We will show you things you may not have thought of that are needed for your brand. We will show you how to identify the clients that are a fit for your services, identifying what services best suit you and your market, pricing for your level of services, how to brand your business, marketing for your market, when and how to use social media tools, and how to connect with others that will propel your business forward! This program is tailored for the serious business owner looking to invest in improvement. You will receive 5 whole days of mentoring and instruction from our certified process improvement specialist in each field or service within the curriculum. We can break these daily session up across a couple weeks to better suit your schedule. This investment is offered at $5ooo